Born to Lead

Ready to shift your sensitivity

from a weakness

into your greatest strength 

in just 12-weeks?  


Highly Sensitive People are here for a purpose

We're here to keep ourselves & our species safe.

I believe it's time to make our voices heard. To stop hiding & step into our roles as Leaders.

But, if you don't fully understand or know how to work with your sensitivity:

Your head sometimes gets so full, it feels like a volcano about to erupt.

You're easily overwhelmed & overstimulated in busy, noisy environments.

You feel things intensely, finding the news depressing, yet are moved to tears by beautiful music or a stunning sunset.


Far from being a problem or a disorder, your sensitivity is a gift.


Scientists are discovering that being Highly Sensitive can actually confer a distinct advantage to a person & are calling it 'Vantage Sensitivity'.

Yes, you may be struggling because your brain is wired to take in more information than others. And yes, your highly responsive nervous system will be triggered into fight or flight more readily, causing you to be susceptible to anxiety & stress. 

But here's the amazing thing - once you recognise these tendencies are because of your physiology, it becomes easier to notice when you're being triggered so you can do something about it.

Being aware of your environments, managing your energy through self-care, learning techniques to deal with Overwhelm, will all help you stay in your Highly Sensitive strengths & out of the challenges.


Born to Lead

This 12-week program contains everything I've learnt over decades of personal development work, applied to the Highly Sensitive Person. I share information, techniques & resources that have helped me as a Sensitive Woman, Mother & Entrepreneur.

In the Born to Lead Program, you'll learn how to:

A - Accept & Appreciate your Highly Sensitive Trait

B - set firm yet flexible Boundaries + transform any Limiting Beliefs you hold about your sensitivity

C - use your innate ability to Connect: within to your impeccable intuition, to a community of other HSPs, & to something bigger - whatever that means for you

I know how much I struggled before realising I'm Highly Sensitive, & I know there are many others out there facing similar challenges. By creating this program, I aim to give HS women all the knowledge & resources they need to stand in their power & fulfil their purpose of leading our World to a better place. A World we're happy for our children to grow up in.

By the end of this program, you'll truly understand your sensitivity. 

You'll have the tools and resources to transform the very things you currently see as challenges into your biggest strengths so you can thrive as a sensitive leader.

Sally Reynolds

"Nina helped me find my voice and be a leader again!

When I met Nina, my husband had died and I was struggling with confidence - it was affecting how I was promoting my work, I had difficulty in talking to other people about it and felt overwhelmed in networking meetings.

Working with Nina has made a big difference in getting my confidence back. I’m now able to happily talk about the work I do in interviews and podcasts. I’ve even done photo shoots - and I used to hate being photographed. Other people have really noticed the difference in me and are commenting on it.

Through Nina’s work I’ve learnt more about being highly-sensitive and managing my energy cycles. I like that she has a toolbox of methods, including body awareness, which helps me get out of my head and back into my body. She's very gentle in guiding you, but sometimes it's quite firmly gentle! 

I don’t just feel different after working with Nina, I’ve learnt how to work with my sensitivity and I’m getting tangible results."



Martine Louis

"Nina gave me confidence as an HSP using very powerful tools well designed for people like me… 

I now embrace it and focus on the benefits that being sensitive can give me…creativity, intuition and the qualities to be a great leader."


What you get inside Born to Lead


Understand the physiology of HSPs, learn how to easily identify the trait in yourself & others, discover your key challenges & strengths & how to work with them.


Learn the powerful tools, techniques & resources that I've acquired through years of study, reading, & personal trial & error! I share the ones that work for HSPs.


Being in a community with other HSPs is incredibly validating. Once you recognise you're not the only one who feels the way you do, the healing can begin.

Invaluable Tips

On everything from nutrition, the importance of self-care & exercise, all tailored specifically for the Highly Sensitive Woman. Look out for the great bonuses.


Learn with other HSPs by attending the sessions live via Zoom, over 12-weeks  (next course - September 2024). If you miss any sessions, you'll have access to the recordings.

Coaching Support 

You'll be held & supported through 2 x 30-minute 1:1s with Nina, as well as group coaching + weekly Q&A sessions + a private Facebook Group during the 12-week program.

Ready to stand in your power & fulfil your purpose of leading our World to a better place?


The investment for the 12-week program is £995.00.


If you'd like to discuss singing up to Born to Lead with a payment plan, just drop me an email to [email protected] 

Meet your Guide

While there are other coaches who work with the sensitive trait, I specialise in working with sensitive women who know deep down they're here to make a difference. Those who are no longer content to remain in the background, providing sage advice, but feel the pull to step up & make their voices heard. Women willing to be visible, to be leaders themselves.

I've combined Neuro Linguistic Programming, NIA-inspired movement, Wild Voice™ work & other powerful methodologies, with my research & personal experience of the sensitive trait. Through my programs, working on the mind, body, emotion & spirit levels, sensitive women learn how to manage the challenges that come from their physiology, so they can show up consistently, sharing their unique strengths to make their positive impact on the World. 

Kate Woodward


 "I would definitely recommend Born to Lead because the World needs more highly sensitive women to step out from behind the shadows, and Nina has developed a brilliant program to enable women to do this!"

Ready to step into Born to Lead?