Support for Highly Sensitive Women
If you're a Highly Sensitive Person, it's likely at some point in your life you'll have been told you're 'oversensitive' or to 'grow a thicker skin' or that you're 'overthinking' things. You may even have heard these statements from parents & teachers, trying to help you. Sadly, these well-meaning comments will have left deep imprints.
Your highly sensitive brain will have taken these comments on board, turned them around multiple times in a processing frenzy & probably deduced something along the lines of 'I'm not like everyone else', 'I'm not good enough', 'I'm not worthy'.
With your super ability to notice things that others miss, you'll have seen that you're different from most people & not understood why. You're probably great at blaming yourself for what you perceive as your short-comings - 'Why can't I do things like other people'? 'Why do some things bother me, but not my friends/colleagues/partner'?
You may feel like Jekyll & Hyde - sweetness incarnate one day with the patience of Mother Teresa, then irritable & shouty the next, channeling the Incredible Hulk.
Life really can feel like a roller-coaster for HSPs!
If this sounds like you, & you're begging to get off the ride, the most important thing you need to know is that the way you're feeling is to be expected.
As an HSP, you are physiologically wired differently from the majority of the population. What you're experiencing is perfectly normal for a sensitive person. That's not to say you're doomed to a life of struggle & misery. Far from it! In fact, once you understand more about your sensitivity & start living in a way that honours it, you will thrive.
Know that if you're an HSP, you are here for a reason. Your sensitivity gives you an evolutionary advantage that is essential for the survival of our species, & once you embrace your sensitive nature, you'll see what an amazing gift it is.
Want to find out more? I'd be honoured to be your guide.

My Toolbox
I coach intuitively, trusting that my training in Psychology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Clean Language & Symbolic Modelling, Shamanism & more, will serve my client in the moment.

Personal Experience
As a Highly Sensitive woman, wife, mother, ex-employee now entrepreneur, it's likely I've been through many of the challenges you may currently be facing. It helps that I've been there!

'Something Bigger'
While I have studied law & spent time in corporate environments, my heart belongs to the Quantum field of energy & limitless possibilities. Crystals, guidance cards, NIA movement may feature in our sessions.

N McDonald, Author & Coach
"A wonderful, experienced coach, Nina works tirelessly and consistently for the good of us; the good of the HSP; the good of her client. She challenges us to achieve a much deeper understanding of ourselves and unselfishly shares a bit of herself if you ask.
Nina will help you fly, break out from your cocoon like the multi-coloured butterfly you are. Nina will help you find your roar when your voice is not being heard and Nina will help you manage your complicated overwhelm with various tools. She will however, never massage your ego she will only help you to uncover and love your true and wonderful self."
Coaching Packages
Choose from either a 3-month or 6-month coaching package, starting at £2,000.
During our time together, we'll meet via Zoom or in-person, once a fortnight. This gives you plenty of time to go through the mini-guides & resources I share with you, as well as complete any exercises.
I'll be available to answer any questions that arise in between sessions via email.
Choosing to invest in your personal development is a decisive first step to standing in your sensitive power.
Are you ready to embrace your sensitivity & share your gifts with the World?
Get in touch!
I have a limited number of spaces at a 50% discount for those unable to afford the full investment.